Take a second to think about what your name actually means to you.  What does it mean to people who know you? What does it mean to the world?

Just the other day, a colleague pointed out to me that, “if you Google Patrick Halligan, the top results are about a kid who committed suicide.” I replied immediately, “yes I know” and the familiar image of Ryan Patrick Halligan came to memory.

Here is what you see: post_suicide_namesearchPic

Ryan Patrick Halligan committed suicide in 2003, electing to hang himself as the result of severe bullying while his father was out of town.  His suicide brought a lot of needed media attention to issues like cyberbullying and the reality that the internet can be a dangerous place, especially for our youth.  The impact was rather profound. His Father, John Halligan, an IBM employee, was even able to inspire IBM to launch an initiative known as iSafe to educate youth regarding internet safety. Following the tragedy, his parents appeared on several news programs telling their son’s devastating story.


All of this information was heavily indexed in association with the keywords “Patrick Halligan.” And now, if you simply search “Patrick Halligan” you will be introduced to Ryan’s Story.

I thought a lot about the conversation, more than I had in past instances, and decided to dig a little deeper into the life of this kid who I share part of a name with, and who would be the same age as me if he were alive today. –I also wonder if we are of any direct relation–

The thought that I cannot shake has to do with the impact of our lives and how the internet acts as almost a gauge of our impact on society.  The more attention you get, the more content that will be produced and therefore indexed by search engines like Google and Bing.  I asked myself, what would it mean or will it mean if and or when a search for Patrick Halligan returns content about me, as the first result on an engine like Google as opposed to Ryan?  Will that mean that what I have done, good or bad, had a larger impact on the internet than Ryan Patrick Halligan’s devistating story? Certainly, right? How important is the internet in determining how important we and our lives are to the world? It could be the single most important thing.

What would it mean if someone searched for information about Ryan Patrick Halligan and content about Patrick Halligan, me, came up first? How would Ryan’s family feel if that happened to them?

Just something I have been thinking about……….


They say that if you are not grateful for what you have today, you surely will  not be grateful for what you get tomorrow. I began to think about that more and more and jumped on the gratitude journal band wagon.

I thought it might be a good idea to put my gratitude journal entry for today up on the blog. A little exercise in putting myself “out there” more than normal.


June 21, 2016-

I am grateful that yesterday, I had the opportunity to celebrate my birthday with some of the amazing people in my life.  I am grateful that I am in a position where I can take the time to fully enjoy such a day. I am also grateful that I feel particularly energized today as I have begun the start of my own personal new year.  I am beyond grateful that I have lived 26 amazing years. –one of the sad realities of life that no one really talks about is that we will lose friends and family along the journey at any given moment and often without warning– People we love will die and it will not make sense.  I think about everyone that I know who has passed away, almost daily, and constantly remind myself to be grateful for another day. I was especially grateful on my birthday…..


Side Note: As there are no guarantees in terms of tomorrow, I find myself being more grateful of experiences in the present moment. While I can not sustainably “live each day as if it were my last” I intentionally do try to enjoy various aspects of my day that I would often take for granted.  One of them is to eat a wonderful meal each and everyday.  A daily, “Last meal” if you will.  Another is to truly try and learn something new.  If you check out, its probably nice to say that on your last day, you ate a great meal and were a little bit smarter than you were the day before.

Thanks for reading 🙂



Recent scientific and sociological studies note the importance of gratitude as a key ingredient in healthy and happy living.

The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word, gratia, meaning grace and thankfulness.  Current medical and scientific research consistently associates gratitude with greater happiness, which also facilities better physical and mental health.  According to a note from Harvard Medical School, “[g]ratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build stronger relationships.” [1]

In the United States, one need not search far to find information on gratitude as the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons are rooted in gratitude.  Unfortunately, many of us embrace this doctrine during the holiday season and then revert to old habits of constant states of dissatisfaction, inconsideration, greed, etc., once the holiday season ends.  To that end, our society has created a world that is a ball of confusion, a perpetual state of unhappiness fueled by toxic interpersonal relationships, ill health and a compromised climate.  As we all search for a solution for the many bad things going on in the world today, maybe if we focus on the true meaning of gratitude, and thankfulness, we can break the cycle that we currently are in, running uncontrollably in circles like hamsters on a wheel, never really making any progress.

Blackboard with the text: Today Im Thankful For... in a christmas conceptual image

Scientific Benefits of Gratitude

Generally, we are hard wired and require proof that any course of action is authentic.  As such, current scientific studies specifically note positive benefits of showing gratitude (although we really should not need a reason to be grateful as it should be assumed to be the right thing to do).

  1.  People who are grateful generally are more hopeful and healthier.
  2. People who express gratitude generally have better quality and duration of sleep than those who do not show thanks.
  3. People who are thankful have increased self esteem than those who do not show thanks.
  4. People who show gratitude also have greater empathy towards others and are more likely than those who do not show gratitude to be pro-social.
  5. People who show gratitude and who list in journals the things for which they are grateful have greater resilience to problems that may arise.

Gratitude Is Heart Healthy

Another very important reason to show gratitude is that it is particularly good for the heart. [2]  The correlation between the effects of depression, stress and anxiety and the increased risk of heart disease have been well documented, just as the positive effect of a good mental status as beneficial to heart health has been touted.  It is no secret that grateful people are healthier than ungrateful individuals, with fewer cases of inflammation in the body and buildup of damaging plaque.  To that end, being grateful has a big payout.

Diagram of health

Teach The Children Well

The lesson of gratitude is great for children and serves to build stronger families and independent thinkers.  In this age of preoccupation with physical things, and the ensuing deleterious impact on the environment in terms of trash and financial woes from overspending, gratitude for the sufficiency of what one has helps to raise children to be confident responsible adults.

Practice Mindfulness

The practice of showing gratitude hones the skill of mindfulness, which requires each of us to plan our lives very carefully rather than functioning on automatic.  When we plan our activities, our budgets our schedules, etc., we save time and make better choices.  We become aware of the potential pitfalls in life and avoid them to the extent possible.

Everyday Is A Day Of Thanksgiving

As we gather with family and friends to express gratitude for our lives, our happiness and health, it is important that we commit to make everyday a day of gratitude, giving thanks for our world, our love ones and our creator.  This then becomes the starting point for a movement to create a healthier happier world for us all.  To do so is to live green, be green.

Happy Thanksgiving Greeting, Fall Leaves Background and text Happy Thanksgiving


[1]  http://www.newsweek.com/5-scientifically-proven-benefits-gratitude-398582#big-shots/undefined/0
[2]  http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/11/23/456656055/gratitude-is-good-for-the-soul-and-it-helps-the-heart-too

Its Sunday!  Trying a new thing where I post any ideas/thoughts and or resources acquired over the last week.  I usually do this in a word doc for myself but this way I can share it as well as have a chronological set of resources to look back on.

Physical Diet: 

I have been putting the low-carb high protein diet to the test!   In doing so, I modified/adapted various takes on a keto/paleo, low-carb diets that fit my palate and lifestyle.  I had a more extensive than usual physical done the week before and received the results at the beginning of last week.  Key notes: I lost 16 true pounds in the last 25 days.  I had blood work done but the results are more of a base as opposed to a reflection of the change in eating as I just started.  I will be getting blood work every few months to monitor and will update the results.

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Photo credit: JasonDGreat / Foter / CC BY

Photo credit: JasonDGreat / Foter / CC BY

Zen and the Art of Everything. Writing a blog post? Designing the Macintosh computer (Steve Jobs reference)? Sure, why not! The idea for this post was concieved while sitting in dense DC traffic a few weeks back.  You may be familiar with the book, “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” by Robert M. Pirsig. It is about a motorcycle trip that a father and son take and essentially uses motorcycle repair as a metaphor for the different facets of life.  For me, that day (like so many others), traffic was causing an enormous amount of stress.  In trying to eliminate that stress, I thought to myself comically,  ZEN AND THE ART OF SITTING IN TRAFFIC! I started laughing. How silly? I honestly have somewhat limited knowledge (trying to learn more) about actual Zen Buddhism (I did take a college course on Buddhism, but we were not exactly meditating).  Is there really a way to be calm and happy sitting in traffic? If the Buddha himself were in my car with me, would he be just as jolly and calm as he is often depicted, cruising at a cool 2 MPH while a chorus of asshole drivers lay on their horns in perfect harmony? Hard to believe but after all, he is the Buddha, right? In continuing this thought process, I began thinking about stress reduction in general as a way to prevent myself from becoming too stressed out about the things that I cannot change–  such as traffic. How? Cue to the Buddhist Monk who stoically and condescendingly mutters “mindfulness.” Read More →

stress playmobilEvery so often we are all due for physical and mental health checks and overall corrections.  In executing these “self-checks,” people tend to use calendar dates for balance or as a procrastination technique (the latter being the usual case). How often do you hear, “starting next week, I will start diet xyz?” As we all know, the empty promises for lifestyle changes and personal growth are most common before the New Year.  The point of this post is to drive home the idea that any given moment, on any given day, is the absolute best time to ensure that we are as physically and mentally healthy as we can possibly be. When it comes to our health and the health of those dependent on us, “it’s never to late to start” does not always ring true. It can be too late as far developing health issues or descending into an unhealthy mental state.

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Valentine’s Day is the day of love, and it is a great opportunity for women, whether in a relationship or not, to consider getting their Love Jones at the gym or through exercise.  Valentine frame background


A new study by the Center for Sexual Health at Indiana University concludes that many women interviewed experience orgasm with physical exercise.  According to this report, these “corgasms” are linked to exercises for the abdominal muscles.  The research, directed by Debby Herbenick, relied on online surveys to gather data and included responses by “124 women who had experienced exercise-induced orgasms and 246 women who reported exercised-induced sexual pleasure.” [1]  The majority of the respondents were between the ages of 18 and 63, with an average age of 30.  Most reported that they were either married or in a relationship, and 69 percent stated that they were heterosexual.

This study is significant for healthy green living because it gives women another really great reason to exercise, in addition to weight control, mood enhancement, prevention and management of a variety of health problems and mood enhancement.  Also, sexual health is an important component emotional, mental and social well-being.  A keyboard with a pleasure key - social concept

It is important to note that not all types of exercises were linked to the experience of orgasm.  The study results indicate that 45 percent of the women stated that their first sexual experience while exercising was linked to abdominal exercises; 19 percent experienced orgasm with biking/spinning; 9.3 percent with climbing poles; and 7 percent with weightlifting and running.  The remainder mentioned orgasm experienced with yoga, swimming, elliptical machines, and aerobics.  More women stated that they felt sexual pleasure as opposed to orgasm phenomenon.  The important takeaway here is that exercise can provide a healthy avenue in which a woman can learn to love herself, embrace her sexuality and cherish her body.

Love and sports

When one stops and ponders this concept, maybe it is not that unusual.  After all, if you have ever taken any classes at a gym, think about how engaged the female instructors tend to be, particularly in the spin classes, weight training and both the water and step aerobics.  I distinctly recall the level of excitement by the instructor in the Zumba classes approaching that of an old-time revival.  We all recall the recent uproar at Wimbledon whereby female tennis players grunted and shrieked during matches, prompting the tennis associations to launch campaigns to ban such behavior.  [2]  Just maybe these women are responding to exercised-induced sexual pleasure.  Of course, this would not be considered by the largely male executives of this sport, who probably would never give credit to any sexual pleasure to a source other than a man.  Finally, take a trip to a Baltimore sports event, such as an Orioles or Ravens game.  Even with the singing of the National Anthem, notice the crowd, especially the ladies, scream “O” with the last stanza.  Maybe, just maybe the exhilaration of the sporting event is teasing their sexual pleasure.

Christian Grey has nothing on us.

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you are at least somewhat familiar with the book and just-released movie, Fifty Shades of Grey.  As I write this article, thousands of women are in line or online purchasing tickets to see this movie.  Well ladies, now you know you do not have to pay money and sit on the sideline letting Christian Grey be the stimulus for your sexual pleasure.  Spend your money on a gym class, a pair of running shoes or weights and take charge of your own orgasm or sexual pleasure.  Share exercise routines with your husband or significant other to enhance your relationships.  For the men– if you are still out there looking for that great Valentine’s gift, consider the gift of a gym membership or a commitment to exercise together to improve the romantic aspect of your relationship.  Diverse Hands Holding The Word Exercise

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful time to celebrate love and life.  Hopefully, it will serve as a time for women to love their bodies, embrace their sexuality and strive for good health through exercise.  To do so is to live green, be green.


[1]  http://www.livescience.com/19145-exercise-induced-orgasm-sexual-pleasure.html.
[2]  http://www.bustle.com/articles/29044-why-do-female-tennis-players-grunt-as-wimbledon-approaches-heres-what-you-need-to-know-about.

Click for tips on designing pet-friendly yards

Credit: Mr. Tree and Lawn Service, LLC.

The Autumn season marks the start, in many four-season areas of our country, of a time during which yard work becomes crucial.  Often overlooked and neglected, lawn care in the fall can easily improve the condition of the grass and shrubbery, not only for the present season but for the future spring season.  So while you’re all gearing up to treat your grass and landscaping, please do try to keep in mind those four legged friends that occasionally graze the yard, both wild and domesticated.  And if you have children roaming the yards, working to improve your treatment methods is a no-brainer.

There are better options than automatically resorting to chemical fertilizers and other harmful practices. Read More →

Size is a featured component of many topics of conversation, and in living green, the question as to whether or not size does really matter is entertained often.

Size is mentioned in discussions of many facets of life, including, but not limited to portion size, clothing size, family size, house size, sexual endowment and so on.  In each case, the reference of size is important when it comes to living green.

Why is size important?

So many decisions that we make are influenced or should be influenced by size.  The very size of a paycheck and budget determines an individual’s ability to live and function in society.  The size of one’s indebtedness contributes to a person’s happiness, stability and the ability to raise a family, get an education and live a wholesome life.  The size of a family’s food budget determines their ability to eat nutritious food.  The size of one’s ego impacts his/her self perception.

Credit:  www.toprosters.com

Credit: www.toprosters.com

Of course, we know that serving size is a very important component of a healthy diet.  To that end, we can find specifications on the amount of food we should eat in a meal, as well as the actual size of the plate that should be used to limit the portion size.  Consideration of portion size also can be applied to control the percentages of meat, vegetables and carbohydrates that should occupy our plates at any given time.  The subject of size has led to a criticism by nutritionists of the fast food industry and its practice of advertising “super size meals” for a small additional price.  Also, moviegoers are familiar with the policy at most theaters whereby the purchase of giant size bags of popcorn and drinks earn patrons free refills.  The increase in the size of our meals has led to weight increase and ever-expanding abdominal girth in so many Americans, along with the accompanying adverse health consequences of obesity, diabetes, back and joint pain, infertility and hypertension.

Credit:  fitmapped.com

Credit: fitmapped.com







Clothing size and body size also are major topics of conversation in the fashion industry.  Shopping for clothes often is difficult because there is no uniformity in clothing sizes.  Sizes of clothes, particularly for women, vary widely by brands.  This forces consumers to spend considerable time, energy and fuel traveling to different stores trying to find clothes that fit.  In that living green includes being healthy and stress free, the dilemma of clothes size negatively impacts those efforts.

Credit:  fitmapped.com

Credit: venusvision.com

Also, the issue of body size must be considered in any efforts to live green.  Perception of a healthy body size is important, and we need realistic guidelines, both to achieve and maintain this.  Unrealistic expectations for body size can be emotionally and physically damaging, leading to harmful practices such as unhealthy dieting, binging and purging, and even psychiatric problems of anorexia that can be fatal.  As we are constantly bombarded with visual images of thin models and beautiful clothes only available in small sizes, many people struggle to achieve these looks and fit those clothes, not realizing that often the people depicted in these pictures are airbrushed and images are electronically altered to give an appearance that is false.  It is important to accept that body size is important, but that we must be realistic and acknowledge the major contribution of genes to our appearance.  We should adhere to a healthy diet, exercise and maintain a balanced weight but not go to extremes to look like models in the media.

Another area where size is a major concern is in the housing industry where builders keep constructing larger houses and mass marketing efforts constantly remind us that we need more living space in our dwellings.  As a result, we cut down more trees to clear areas for houses.  We build more roads and supporting structures for our new larger communities, reducing open green space.  We assume larger mortgages to pay for our more expensive houses.  We endure higher energy bills to heat and cool our super sized houses.  We buy more furniture and objects to fill our houses.  The bottom line is that we are drowning in debt and working longer hours to pay for all of this.  Sometimes we feel like hamsters on treadmills, and that is neither healthy nor green.  This is an instance where size does really matter.  It can make the difference between a wholesome fulfilling lifestyle and sheer misery.

.Credit:  www.designboom.com

Credit: www.designboom.com



Family size is important in green living.  In modern times, families are smaller than they were many years earlier.  Increased housing and other costs of living have forced most families to rely on both parents as wage earners.  As a result, people tend to have fewer children due to time and money constraints.  Some countries, such as China, have legally enforced limits on family size for purposes of population control.  Clearly when it comes to family, size does matter.

Lastly, size often comes up when discussing sexual relationships.  Hollywood and popular culture have forced sexual endowment to the forefront of relationship issues.  Living green includes healthy and satisfying interpersonal relationships.  In choosing a mate, it is important that such selection include character, morals, values and compatibility and not just physical attributes such as sexual endowment, breast and hip size.  Here size matters but should not be the primary consideration.

It is important that we learn to live green, and from the examples given, we can see that size does really matter.  In our efforts to adopt a green lifestyle, we have a lot to consider.  As we look at ways to live sustainably, we have to take time and size up the situation carefully.  To do so is to live green, be green.


Resources for this article:

1.  http://www.forbes.com/2008/01/09/ralph-lauren-gap-ent-tech-cx_tvr_0109sizemeup.html
2. http://www.eatright.org/Public/content.aspx?id=4294967941
3.  http://www.askmen.com/dating/vanessa_60/87_love_secrets.html
4.  http://www.wect.com/Global/story.asp?S=3015997

Movember is “an annual, month-long event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of prostate cancer and other male cancers and associated charities,” with a goal to “change the face of men’s health.”[1]

Perhaps the fun part of Movember is the moustache as the official symbol.  Compared to the pink ribbon symbolic of breast cancer awareness month, sporting a moustache to raise awareness of men’s health issues can be fun and less physically taxing than the runs and walks associated with raising awareness of breast cancer.  Also, moustaches are very versatile and one can adopt different styles to make a personal statement. The U.S. Movember site [2] features moustache style guides and even prizes and rewards for “Mo Bros” and “Mo Sistas.” This indeed is a fun and engaging way to bring attention to and raise awareness of men’s health issues and to rally men to take control of their personal health.

Movember’s success partially can be attributed to the current popularity of wearing beards and moustaches. Just look at Hollywood and the sports world and you can see celebrities wearing moustaches and beards of all types. Even in the business world, unshaven faces and shadows have given way to clean-shaven appearances.

LGBG CEO Patrick Halligan sporting a "stache"

LGBG CEO Patrick Halligan sporting a “stache”

For men who have thought about growing moustaches and/or beards, Movember awareness is a great time to give this a try. If it works out well, stick with it, and if not, you still did a great thing by joining the annual movement to deliver the important message of the need for men to take preventative steps to combat prostate and other cancers unique to them.

We here at LGBG fully support Movember and the movement to eradicate male cancers. We urge you to get involved in the celebration. Men– get that stache growing. Ladies– join in the celebration by donating to charities raising money to fight male cancers. To do so is to live green, be green.


Sources of Article:

[1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movember.
[2] http://us.movember.com/