Name: Esukuku Y. Erupe C 21651

Age: 14 Years

Class: 8

Gender: Male

Area of Residence: Turkana East

Date:  September 6th 2014

Taking Care of the Environment 

My name is Esukuku Y. Erupe. I am in class 8.  Thank you for the gift of bags that I can use to pack my clothes.

The Environment is anything that surrounds us.  The environment is made up of the living and non-living things. It is good to take care of the environment because we can live in it. If our environment is good, we can become comfortable in our lives.

Taking care of the environment refers to keeping it clean from waste by recycling and reusing wastes like manilla papers and polyethylene bags. Dirty environment spreads diseases like cholera that can be dangerous in our daily lives.  Pollution of the environment leads to reduction of normal life.  We hope that many children can learn to be friendly to the environment and can enjoy good lives now and in the future.

Yours Faithfully,

Esukuku y Erupe

Letters From kenya: Esukuku Erupe


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